Travel report #25

Australia - Melbourne

Tuesday July 3, 2001

Enjoyed the facilities at the camping ground, the boys played tennis, the girls mini golf :-)
Then more driving, all the way to Melbourne. Met up with Tor Arne Ness, a friend of us from back home. He studies in Melbourne and housed us all for four nights!

Wednesday July 4, 2001

Tor Arne, OA and B set off towards a golf course! Melbourne has loads of golf courses and some are very cheap and take on almost anyone. TA have played a bit, but OA & B had a hard time hitting the tiny ball :-)

(Odd Arne and Tor Arne at the golf course, Melbourne in the background)

(Two golf professionals, with a lovely view)

(Perfect technique)

(Odd Arne kept up even if playing left handed with a right hand set)
The girls had been dropped off at a huge shopping mall, they enjoyed that as much as the boys like the golf :-)
In the evening we all 5 went for a walk in Melbourne, visited the large casino and saw the (famous?) clock tower at the central station.
(B, IA, Ingrid, Odd Arne, Tor Arne and Melbourne by night in the background)

(The clock tower)

Thursday July 5, 2001

After we all had been to the golf course searching for TA's VISA card and found it (!! :-) it was moving day. TA is starting at a different university in the center of town (CBD) and had got a really nice flat down there with views of the city! We hired a large truck and got nice workout moving all his and his flatmates stuff.

(The happy owner of a VISA-card:-)

(Ingrid unpacking in the new kitchen)

(First things first, OA installing the TV:-)

Friday July 6, 2001

Another day with distress for TA as his VISA card was lost again, and he had to take care of all the practical stuff with moving and fixing his girl friends study papers etc.. It all worked out after lots of crisis (!?!), that is, "krise" was the most used word by TA while we were there :-)
OA went on shopping, bought a new video camera, no word from the police and no hope of getting the old one back...
Another round of golf and shopping in the afternoon, before we all 5 plus Eirik from Bergen went to see a Footy match at Colonial Stadium, Australian rules football. A packed stadium with almost 50000, great! We even got into the game after a while, understanding some of the play...
(Australia footy)